Friday, September 9, 2016

TED Talk

TED Talks are an excellent source of information on virtually any topic relevant in today's fast-paced world. TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) is "a nonpartisan nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks." Psychologist and university professor Renee Engeln delivers an enlightening message about society's obsession with appearances.

To watch the TED Talk:

Monday, September 5, 2016

8 Things You Can Do NOW

Mother and writer Hannah Westmoreland Murphy recently wrote an interesting piece on a variety of ways to teach kids about body positivity. The article appeared on Romper, a website for "a new generation of women figuring out what motherhood means." In it, she shares useful tips for parents worried about their child(ren)'s body image. A must-read for anyone raising, working, or spending time with young children.

To read the full article:

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Hello everyone!

We are a pair of concerned women seeking to promote a healthy relationship with food and body for young girls. Connie Ann is a parent and nutritionist specialising in helping women achieve a healthy relationship with food and their bodies. Nadia Helal is an amateur chef and primary/secondary educator concerned with the long-term effects of society's one-dimensional view of health and beauty in young girls. 

Statistics show that 1 in 3 girls has tried dieting by the age of nine; a shocking fact that would concern any parent. While searching for child-friendly information, Connie noticed there is a void of material for girls aged six to nine. This is a crucial stage in girlhood where prevention is key and healthy habits can be formed for a lifetime.

We are on a mission to fill that void and educate young girls on this important issue at this crucial stage in their lives. This will be an interactive resource where shared stories are welcome. Please feel free to read, comment or share your stories and/or experience in this controversial topic.